SiMPL BDC facilitates the batch release process by providing visibility of batch release information to QA at the time of release from a single application. The application is intended to be used as a centralized location for all QA related information residing both within and external to SAP.

Setting up Batch Review Checklists within BDC allows for all information to be captured directly inside SAP. Furthermore, configuring customized SAP Workflows assists in ensuring each group of quality users is informed which batch reviews are required in a timely manner.

This application will only display batch release information and will not be used to change or create any objects within SAP except for the batch record review process that requires signature verification.

Business Benefits

Simplified navigation with batch details visualized in a Genealogy Tree.

Visual indicators for  status and restrictions displayed through configurable traffic lights.

Key metrics can be defined to display for reporting purposes.

Integration with different systems are possible to enable review and confirmations as required.

Accommodates standard Workflow and work delegation.

Provides jump functionality to Fiori transactions and external systems.

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